Sunday, October 18, 2015

Indiana Jones

 Alive and well, I have made it to La Reserva de Los Cedros! I am writing to you now from a small, open faced wooden shack with a bench and a table, at the top of a hill cleared of trees. A little cable with some device on the end is plugged into the USB of this ancient computer and I hang it in the air on a rope and move it around to try to find the slightest of signal. The computer battery lasts for about 11 minutes and it takes about 10 to hike here so I will not be updating this often, I will however try to whenever possible. It is quite isolated and somewhat lonely on the reserve and contact with the outside world has proved to be pretty comforting.
With my remaining minutes of battery, I would like to tell the story of how I got here.
I took a bus through the countryside and up a dirt road through the forest for about three hours. We finally arrived at the town of Chontal, and to be honest, town is a generous word, perhaps over exaggerating the dirt road and store that it consisted of. Twenty minutes in a truck up a steep and rocky road was the second part of my journey. At one point, the driver had to stop, get out of the truck and seach for a nice piece of wood to cover the gaping hole in the suspension bridge. Once he set this piece of wood over the missing slat, he started up the car and presumed to ask me how much I weigh. Great.
After we miraculously made it across the narrow slouching bridge, he dropped me of with another man, named Fousto, who loaded my things, and all the food supplies for the coming weeks, onto the back of a mule.
The trail to the reserve started off through a banana farm. As we gradually made our way up the meandering trail, through the mud and various spider webs along the way, the vegetation began to get more and more dense. "This is the reserve," Fousto turned to tell me. Everything around us is alive. Under the leaves lies a multitude of colored insects, each tree is covered with vines, moss, flowers, lichen, birds, leaves and all sorts of crazy other plants I have never even seen before. I smile as I think this is what it must be like to be Indiana Jones.


  1. wow...what an adventure...I know you love adventure...I love reading about your always .I love you & miss you like crazy...Granny

  2. wow...what an adventure...I know you love adventure...I love reading about your always .I love you & miss you like crazy...Granny

  3. I'm with you all the way. Love you. Aunt Gay

  4. I'm with you all the way. Love you. Aunt Gay

  5. All I can say is WOW Sami!!! Your writings are the highlight of my day. So proud of you. Love always. Aunt Mel ( the mint lady )

  6. I've told my HATCH friend Jimmy Stice all about you. He lives in Panama - and would love to have you participate in HATCH Panama if it works with your travel plans (he also has a legendary event Dec 28-Jan 1 which he needs volunteers for if you are interested. (can you email me for an introduction and his contact information or look for him on FB and introduce yourself as the gal I told him about?)
